
Moment hovers in the cloud, but with us, everyone has their feet firmly on the ground

Metzum has a team that constantly works to provide the best solutions. Together, we have over a hundred years of experience in the energy sector, as well as extensive experience from other technological industries that have sought out the best solutions. Together, we create solutions that give our customers the competitive edge they need to succeed


Johnny Haugsbakk

With 30 years of experience in leading and growing technology companies within the power, telecommunications, and healthcare sectors, I've always held the belief that we must understand needs before we can create value for our customers.

At Metzum, we see a changing power industry, and we've assembled a team of talented and highly motivated individuals who recognize these needs and believe in our ability to create this value.

In my spare time, I enjoy indulging in good food with family and friends, which naturally leads me to stay active and exercise..
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Anders Scharffscher Engeset

Master of Business Administration with extensive experience in M&A, analysis, board work, and operational roles in companies within Rieber & Søn's investment portfolio.

Devoted husband, father of three, and sports fanatic.
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Jesper Uhlin

20 years of experience in developing and enhancing systems for the energy industry, with a main focus on the "meter to cash" processes. I originally trained as an engineer specializing in energy technology. I am analytical and business-oriented, enjoy working with customers, and know how to translate customer needs into requirements and functionalities. .
I live with my wife and four children in Sigtuna, Sweden's oldest preserved city. Most of my free time is spent with the family. I exercise to stay healthy. I love watching sports, especially ice hockey..
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Odd Narve Vassbakk

With extensive experience in the energy sector, and after 10 years as a consultant at Fjordkraft, I have now taken on the role of head of the product department at Metzum.

At work, I thrive when I can operate at the intersection of technology and business.

Privately, I primarily focus on my three daughters. I used to play football, but as the years have passed, golf has become my greatest passion, and I enjoy spending my free time on the golf course
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Linda Gåsvær Hansen

I am a trained lawyer with an MBA. I enjoy contracts and other legal intricacies, but I am happiest when I can apply my expertise to interdisciplinary issues and projects alongside others.

In my spare time, I usually spend time with my husband and three children, often cheering from the sidelines of a football field. Besides that, I love being with good friends, enjoying the sound of snow crunching under my skis, exploring new travel destinations, or relaxing with a book or a series.
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Sven Andre Naustdal

With 20 years of experience in the energy industry, I initially started as a developer but soon discovered I had a knack for leadership. For the past 15 years, I have managed various departments, including a technical department and a sales department for a period. I have worked both nationally and internationally on localizing and selling products.

In my free time, I always have an ongoing project, and I spend several hours on football and, of course, with my family, which includes my wife, two teenage girls, a rabbit, and a dog.

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Jannicke Thorstenson

I graduated as a civil engineer from NTNU. By chance, 16 years ago, I found myself in the energy sector. It turned out to be an industry I thrive in, with continuous change and challenges to tackle. I am most comfortable at the interface between customer and business development / implementation of new solutions and projects.

In my free time, I spend time with my husband and two active children. When I get to choose an activity, it's often a trip to a mountain peak in the local area, or a quiet day on the sofa with knitting needles

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Thomas Watnedal

I have a master's degree in algorithms from the University of Bergen, and my background is in the media industry as a developer, team lead, and department manager. I've been involved in a startup for digital distribution of comics. I'm committed to seeing the big picture, delivering quality, and staying technologically updated.

As a father of young children, my free time is limited, and I prefer to spend it being active in nature with activities like off-piste skiing, cycling, and hunting..

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Lisbeth Hjertholm

I'm a frontend developer and jack-of-all-trades with over 20 years of experience. I thrive when I'm involved in solving challenges alongside customers and colleagues, and I have a particular fondness for good and accessible user experiences.

In my free time, I mostly hang out with my husband and our three children. I enjoy cooking, reading books, practicing yoga, playing board games, and doing puzzles. I'm a real sports fanatic and love my "job" as a coach in Fantasy League.

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Jonas Schiöld

Developer with over 25 years of experience in frontend, backend, and databases. I enjoy being involved in all aspects of software development but have a particular passion for design and user interfaces.

I live in a rural area with my wife and three daughters. I like boating, watching movies, and nerding out on science, technology, and more. If I had more time, I would paint and practice playing the piano and drums.

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Janne Westberg

I love all kinds of problem-solving and developing both large-scale and smaller systems with my colleagues. I particularly enjoy challenging performance optimization involving client/server code, resource usage, data transport, and database solutions.

In my free time, I often go for long runs in the forest or rock out on keyboards with friends in our cover band..

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Håkon Leinan

I have 20 years of experience as a developer and designer, and I thrive where these two fields meet. I have worked in both medtech and fintech, but I started my career in the media industry, primarily with TV production.

I am an artist by blood and a musician at heart.

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Rune Skjelvik

At work, I love coding, meetings, and low-hanging fruit.

Privately, I live in a large house with my wife, three children, and a cat. I enjoy a round of golf in clown pants or running a few miles if I get red gummy fish as a prize. I relax best with a good football match on TV..

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Kristian Andersen

System developer with over 15 years of experience from various sectors, including banking, insurance, and telecommunications.

I like it when it snows.
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Jørgen Ryland

Married father from Sunnfjord and Ryland
learned IT in Trondheim at Bakkland
Tandberg came then and Miles thereafter
which altogether makes a quite experienced man......
but not experienced enough to include his interest in golf in the limerickt.

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Fredrik Sivertsen

Master's degree from UiB and 14 years of experience in the industry. I have worked as both a consultant and team leader in areas such as settlement, accounts receivable, printing, forecasting/sales analysis, and contract management with clients in Norway, Sweden, and Finland.I am married with three children. We have settled on an island outside Bergen, widely known for its varying water quality, but we enjoy a very nice view.

In my free time, I hike in the mountains with a sky-high pulse, play indoor soccer, and enjoy playing various games.

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Jan Martin Langeland

I hold a master's degree from UiB and have several years of experience across various industries and with small and large projects. I enjoy working on both back and frontend development and prefer simple solutions.

As a parent of young children, I love coffee. In my free time, I spend a lot of time with my children, and we are often seen in the mountains or on the ski slopes. Sometimes I also play football, although I am repeatedly reminded that muscle soreness lasts longer than my stamina.
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Maria Karimian

I am an engineer with a focus on mathematics and computer science, and a background as a developer. Somewhere in the middle of my career, I shifted towards customer communication and project management.

I am married, have an 11-year-old son and a 1.5-year-old dog. We live in a house near Arlanda in Stockholm. The family enjoys traveling around the world, and my personal interests include listening to jazz music, reading books, meeting friends, outdoor activities, cooking, and gardening

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Paal Soltvedt Brakstad

Master of Science in Industrial Economics with a strong interest in technology, digitalization, and renewable energy. I thrive at the intersection of business and technology, particularly within the energy sector.

I enjoy my free time with my family, and friends, preferably either with a high pulse or around well-manicured greens.

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Marius Pedersen Taule

I am educated in economics, with a specialization in logistics and process development. I have a fondness for processes and improvement work, and I prefer to work at the interface between business and IT. I have extensive experience in the energy industry and have a good understanding of many different parts of the customer lifecycle.

Most of my free time is spent with family life alongside my partner and twin boys, enjoying good food and drink (preferably a fruity and sparkling natural wine), and the outdoors whenever possible.

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Raymond Hilseth

Master's degree from UIB and 15 years of experience in the media industry, where I have worked both as a developer and team lead. I like to focus on good API design, which I believe helps in delivering quality and functionality.

I spend my free time with friends and family, often by cooking good food. I also usually have a small programming project ongoing to keep myself updated..

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Elisabeth Löfgren

Degree in systems science and more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry. I have primarily worked with Oracle databases, maintenance, backup and recovery, and problem-solving for customers.

I live in Båstad, a tennis metropolis in southern Sweden, with my husband, daughter, and a cheerful little Yorkshire Terrier. In our family, we are very fond of games and gaming consoles. I knit and crochet a lot, probably several kilometres per year.

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Kim Even Dagsvik

I have 14 years of experience as a consultant and project manager in the oil and gas industry. I really enjoy visualizing data and creating reports in Power BI!

Privately, time flies by with my partner and two small children. We do everything from beading, puzzling, and playing with dolls to Mario Kart, cycling, Lego, and soccer. I sneak out for a bike ride as often as family life allows. I also have a great golf set that is currently gathering dust.

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Einar Søreide Johansen

I have a master's degree from UiB, and over 5 years of experience in the banking sector. I enjoy working on both the frontend and backend, and I'm comfortable developing complete solutions from planning to release.

In my free time, I like board games and gaming, and I play guitar, bass, and synth. I play in noisy bands and write my own noisy music. Fun with sound!

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André Fagerli Husabø

I am a computer scientist from UiB and a dialect-confused juice maker from Sogndal. I have a keen interest in all things technology, especially machine learning.

In my leisure time, I am a less skilled tennis player, an adept board gamer, and a newly enthusiastic climber. I live in beautiful Bønes. I'm not too fond of snow.

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Anders Borge

I have worked as a software developer for 18 years. At Metzum, I focus on back-end development, but I also have extensive experience with front-end and many other aspects from various industries.

I enjoy mountain hiking, diving, kayaking, and restoring old houses in my free time. I enjoy being at sea and otherwise spend a lot of time with my family.

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Adrian Solheim

I'm from Florø with a strong interest in data and technology. This passion led me to a master's degree in software development from HVL/UiB. I have the most experience in backend development, but I find all parts of a system interesting.

In my free time, I usually engage in strength training and maybe a bit of gaming. I'm also an enthusiastic homebrewer, brewing whenever I get the chance and always have something new to experiment with.

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Thomas Thorbjørnsen

Developer with 20 years of experience across a wide range of industries, including banking and finance, tourism, fisheries, mobility, and electric vehicle charging. I am a full-stack developer but prefer working with front-end and the areas closest to the users.

In my free time, I unwind best on a road bike or hiking in the mountains, preferably followed by a few hours on the couch with a good TV series.

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Mahdi Islam

Software developer with 9 years of development experience and 3 years of technical project management experience. I hold a bachelor's degree in computer science and an MBA in marketing. I have a keen interest in consumer behavior and cognitive psychology.

A somewhat decent photographer and dreaming of becoming an interior designer one day.Recently, most of my free time has been spent working on a master’s degree in secure and reliable communication at UiB. I live by Damsgårdssundet in Bergen. I don't mind the snow, but I love when the sun shines.

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Marit Engum

Product manager with over 10 years of experience in product development, technology, and digitalization across various industries, including banking and finance, real estate, and energy. I'm passionate about creating great customer experiences and fostering strong synergies between customers and development teams.

In my free time, I prefer spending it with my partner, son, family, and friends—ideally on a mountain peak, no matter the season. I greatly appreciate a beautiful sunset and am at my best when I balance relaxing and staying as active as possible.

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Kari Dalland Klyve

With over 10 years of experience in the oil and energy industry as a planner and coordinator, I have recently transitioned into the role of Customer Success Manager. My goal is to help our customers realize the value of the products and services we create, and I thrive on building strong relationships that ensure great results.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, preferably on the tennis court or skiing—whether it's downhill, uphill, or cross-country.

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Magnus Hoff

I have broad experience as a developer across various industries and technologies, with a lifelong passion for programming and a constant appetite for learning more. I focus on delivering excellent user experiences, no matter where I work in the stack, to ensure the product as a whole is the best it can be. I also enjoy sharing knowledge through documentation, blogging, or presenting to an audience.

Otherwise, you'll often find me hiking with my family, in the kitchen working on a more or less complex project, or on a well-suited Lindy Hop dance floor.

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Victoria Baarøy Grimen

UX designer with a background in frontend development. I enjoy working on the entire user experience process, from research and insights to prototyping and final design. I thrive in close collaboration with clients, involving them throughout the entire process.

I live in Nordnes with my partner and dog. In my free time, I enjoy traveling, hiking in the mountains, working out, and cooking delicious meals.

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Trond Svanes Jensen

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